
Sunday, June 1, 2014

Home Is Where The Heart Is: Painting From Our Heart Space

“I long, as does every human being, to be at home wherever I find myself.”

 - Maya Angelou
At the studio, we are learning to paint from our hearts instead of our heads. When we take the courageous plunge into the unknown and begin to paint what is being asked from within--instead of what someone else has asked us to paint--things begin to shift. Self-awareness unfolds. We are given the gift of discovering who we truly are and loving ourselves from the inside out. Painting can help us develop the understanding that our home truly is where our heart is--and we can carry that feeling of home inside of us at all times, wherever we go.
We look forward to seeing you this Summer!
 Sending you much love,
         Jen and Steph
Jenny & Stephanie