
Monday, October 31, 2011

Shift is Happening

Some ponderings on the human condition and our evolution-in-progress …

I was born during the Dark Ages, when humans used to burn the planet's fossil fuels just to get around, and prescribed "treatments" that caused harmful side-effects, and hoarded money while others starved, and lived under a spell of slavery to the Almighty Clock.

That was a time when you could be judged and condemned because of who you loved, or because of the color of your skin, or because of which path to God you chose.

It was a time when more money was spent on war than on educating and feeding the world's children. Forests and pastures were destroyed to develop a multiplying, yet disposable, economy. Humans would consume more than they could handle. And they sought happiness in all the wrong places, all the while eroding into a numbed depression …

Then one day, or year, or millennium, some of the humans began to question why nothing was satisfying. They began to wonder, "Is what we know to be true really the ultimate reality? The final destination? Everyday, racing the clock, trying to impress, trying to win, trying to get ahead?"

Trying to find everlasting happiness …

The humans started listening to what made their hearts feel vibrant. For some, it was leaving the grand delusion and returning to nature. For some, it was taking time to create. For some, it was helping others. And for some, it was simply feeling gratitude for what IS.

That's how it all started. That's what began the Great Shift …

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